Embracing the Sacred Cycle of Transformation

The Triple Goddess, a trinity of divine energies, mirrors the cyclical nature of existence, encapsulating the stages of personal growth and transformation. LifeWell Coach services draw from this ancient wisdom, recognizing that our journeys are not linear, but a dance of change. With the maiden, mother, and crone as guides, LifeWell Coaches empower individuals to honor each phase of their journey, finding wisdom in moments of apparent stagnation, and embracing the rhythms of life's sacred cycle.



The maiden symbolizes the dawn, the springtime of life, filled with potential, curiosity, and the joy of discovery. The mother represents the fullness of life, the nurturing force, the summer and autumn, where the fruits of actions are both enjoyed and shared. The crone, often misunderstood, is the winter, the wise one who has journeyed through maidenhood and motherhood and now holds the wisdom of these experiences within her.


This concept, as ancient as the Vedas and as universal as the human experience, teaches us that growth and transformation are not linear but cyclical. Just as the goddess Parashakti in the Indian tradition embodies the cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction, so too does our personal journey reflect these phases. We are constantly in a state of becoming, evolving through cycles of growth, stability, and necessary decay to make way for new growth.


This understanding challenges the modern, linear perception of growth as a constant upward trajectory. It invites us to honor each phase of our journey, understanding that periods of apparent decay or stagnation are as necessary for our evolution as periods of growth and activity. It is a dance of change, a rhythm of life, a sacred cycle of transformation.



How can we apply the wisdom of the Triple Goddess to our daily lives?

In the embrace of the Triple Goddess, we find a profound wisdom that can illuminate our daily lives. The Triple Goddess, as represented in the Greek myth of Eurynome, Eurybia, and Eurydice, symbolizes the cyclical nature of existence, the constant dance of growth and decay. This understanding invites us to perceive our lives not as linear progressions, but as a series of cycles, each with its own lessons and opportunities for growth.


The Triple Goddess also embodies the sacredness of nature, a principle that can guide our interactions with the world around us. Just as the Goddess is closely associated with the apple tree, the axis of the world and the center of life in early Greek and Celtic myth, we too can cultivate a deep reverence for the natural world, recognizing its inherent value and our responsibility to protect and cherish it.

The theology of the Triple Goddess emphasizes the intrinsic value of the individual will, a principle that can empower us to honor our unique paths and desires. In the same vein, the deification of the female principle invites us to honor and respect the feminine within and around us, recognizing its equal or even superior importance to the masculine.


Finally, the unity of body and soul in this theology can guide us towards a holistic understanding of our own being. We are not divided entities, but integrated wholes, and our physical health and spiritual well-being are deeply interconnected. Thus, the wisdom of the Triple Goddess can guide us toward a life of reverence for nature, respect for the feminine, empowerment of the individual will, and holistic well-being.


The wisdom of the Triple Goddess can guide us toward a life of reverence for nature, respect for the feminine, empowerment of the individual will, and holistic well-being.